Kitchen Alterations/Additions

Kitchen Alterations/Additions

Kitchen Alterations/Additions

Designing a kitchen layout is a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. Plumbing and electrical connections must be in the right place, and changing their positions later can be costly and inconvenient. 

When installing a new kitchen, it's important to consider various details such as the hot and cold water supply, the positions of electrical sockets and light switches, and the locations of various appliances and fixtures, including ovens, cookers, fans, and ducting.

 A 3D image of the room can be helpful in visualizing the new layout, but you can also create your own "virtual kitchen" using a simple graph paper. 

By sketching a to-scale plan of the kitchen, including walls, windows, doors, and radiators, you can avoid potential errors and ensure that all components are properly positioned. 

Let us know how we can help with the electrical design and Installation of your dream kitchen.

Areas Covered

Covering Camborne, Falmouth, Helston, Newquay, Penzance, Redruth, St Agnes, St Ives, Lizard and Truro.

Contact Rob Jones Electrical

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